Different roses have a different meanings but all of them make the recipient happy. Bouquet of Roses and Chocolate indicates happiness! Share the special moments with your friends and family on their special occasion by sending this beautiful bouquet of happiness!

This hand wrapped bouquet with spray roses,  has been picked with love for you to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or convey your message of love & sweet affection.

Each arrangement with flowers that is delivered today, is arranged by a florist. You’ll find your Bouquet of Flowers and Chocolate delivered with a thoughtful card message. Each gift bouquet is different from the next, so embrace a sweet surprise and order yours today.


  • Premium Chocolates
  • Spray Roses
  • Macarons
  • Ferrero Rocher
  • Complimentary card message

* As every Fruquete LA is made by hand to order, we use different color flowers which are available on the day, though we color-match all toppings and wrapping paper to complete the combination.

** Add some balloons, card to this arrangement to make it even more special.

*** As with all arrangements, flowers & materials are subjected to change based on availability. Flower delivery available in LA.

* Moreover you can check our various range of Bouquet of Roses and Chocolate  here and read our newest blog post. Follow us on Instagram


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