Very special combination of deep colors and mysterious shape. Our signature blueberry bouquet with roses is sure to impress anyone who loves berries and roses. It is perfect for any occasion.

Flowers are nice, but edible bouquets are absolutely enticing. The ideal gift for any age, blueberry bouquet with roses are a delightful treat that looks beautiful and tastes even better. Fruquet LA creates breathtaking arrangements themed for the seasons and year-round occasions, tucked neatly in reusable vases and delivered promptly.


  • Seasonal Black Roses
  • Black Lilies
  • Blueberries

* As every Fruquet LA is made by hand to order, we use different color flowers which are available on the day, though we color-match all toppings and wrapping paper to complete the combination.

** Add some balloons, card to this arrangement to make it even more special.

*** As with all arrangements, flowers & materials are subjected to change based on availability.

* Moreover you can check our various range of Blueberry Bouquet with Roses here and read our newest blog post.

Our local florists always put their passion and creativity into each gift. At times, they may need to make substitutions to floral arrangements Fruit Bouquets or gift baskets to ensure your order is fresh and delivered in a timely manner.


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