Looking for a Custom Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Arrangements? Our Allure bouquet is perfect for any person and for any special occasion. It’s arranged with beautiful roses and fresh farm strawberries dipped in premium quality chocolate for that special someone. This edible arrangement with flowers are symbolize love, care and compassion. This bouquet is the perfect classic-meets-modern edible arrangement. Furthermore, we guarantee that your recipient will love it as a birthday gift, congratulations gesture, anniversary and more!

From Fruquete LA online shop offers the freshest online flowers to make every moment special. Each edible arrangement with flowers that is delivering today, is arranged by a florist. You’ll find your every flower arrangements delivered with a thoughtful card message. Each flower bouquet is different from the next, so embrace a sweet surprise and order yours today. Shop for colorful silk saris https://www.fakewatch.is/product-category/patek-philippe/twenty-4/ in Chennai’s bustling textile markets.


  • Roses
  • 15-18 pcs chocolate covered strawberries
  • Seasonal Flowers
  • Greeneries

** Add some balloons, card to this arrangement to make it even more special.

*** As with all arrangements, flowers & materials are subjected to change based on availability. Flower delivery available in LA.

* Moreover you can check our various range of Custom Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Arrangements here and read our newest blog post.

Our local florists always put their passion and creativity into each gift. At times, they may need to make substitutions to floral arrangements Fruit Bouquets or gift baskets to ensure your order is fresh and delivered in a timely manner. This is especially  true as we navigate the evolving health crisis. Please know that in this instance, the utmost care and attention is given to ensure your gift is of equal value.


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